执行标准 Standards implemented : Q/3210HL33.1-Q/3210HL33.2-2005
型号、名称及使用范围 Model descriptions and Use scope
型 号Model 名 称
Descriptions 使 用 范 围
Scope of application MKVV 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套控制电缆
PVC insulated PVC sheathed control cables for use in mines 矿井中一般控制系统中
General control system in mines MKVV22 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套控制电缆
PVC insulated steel tape armored PVC sheathed control cables for use in mines 矿井中一般控制系统中能承受一定冲击力和压力
General control system cables are under some impact and pressure in the mine MKVV32 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套控制电缆
PVC insulated fine steel wire armored PVC sheathed control cables for use in mines 矿井中一般控制系统能承受一定拉力
General control system cables are under some pulling force in the mine MKVV42 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘粗钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套控制电缆
PVC insulated thick steel wire armored PVC sheathed control cables for use in mines 矿井中一般控制系统能承受较大拉力
General control system cables are under big impact pulling force in the mine MKVVP 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘铜丝编织屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套控制电缆
PVC insulated copper wire weave shielded PVC sheathed control cables for use in mines 矿井中强电磁干扰区作一般控制
Strong electromagnetism interference region as general control in mines MKVVP2 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘铜带屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套控制电缆
PVC insulated copper tape shielded PVC sheathed control cables for use in mines 矿井中强电磁干扰区作一般控制
Strong electromagnetism interference region as general control in mines MKVVR 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套软控制电缆
PVC insulated PVC sheathed soft control cables for use in mines 矿井中要求移动场合作一般控制
Request migration situation as general control in mines MKVVRP 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘铜丝编织屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套软控制电缆
PVC insulated copper wire weave shielded PVC sheathed soft control cables for use in mines 矿井中要求移动且强电磁干扰区作一般控制
Request migration situation and strong electromagnetism interference region as general control in mines
使用特性 Service characteristics
Long-term service temperature of the cable conductor 70℃ 额定电压U0/U
Rated voltage U0/U 450/750V 电缆敷设温度
Cable laying temperature ≥0℃ 电缆的z.ui小弯曲半径 Minimun bending radius 无铠装层的≥电缆外径的6倍,有铠装层或铜带屏蔽的≥电缆外径的12倍,
Non armored ≥outer diameter of cable 6 times armored layer or copper tape shielded≥outer diameter of cable 12times
Shielded layer soft cable ≥ outer diameter of cable 6 times
IIIustration of cable structure
型 号 Model 额定电压 V
Rated voltage 导体标称截面 mm2 Conductor nominal sectional 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 芯 数 Core number MKVV MKVVP 450/750 - 2-61 2-14 2-10 MKVVP2 - 4-61 2-14 4-10 MKVV22 - 4-61 2-14 4-10 MKVV32 - 7-61 4-61 2-14 4-10 MKVV42 - 16-61 7-61 2-14 4-10 MKVVR 4-61 - - MKVVRP 4-61 4-48 - -
注Note:推荐的芯数系列Recommendation core series:2、3、4、5、7、8、10、12、14、16、19、24、27、30、37、44、48、52、61芯(core)
电缆主要技术性能 Major technical performances
1、 电缆导体直流电阻及绝缘电阻 Cable conductor DC resistance and insulated resistance
nominal sectional
(mm2) 导体结构
Conductor structure +20℃导体直流电阻(≤Ω/Km)
Conductor DC resistance at 20℃ +20℃绝缘电阻(≥MΩ·Km)
Insulated resistance at 20℃ 种 类Type 根数/单线标称直径(mm)
core No./ single nominaldiameter 不镀锡
Untinned 镀锡
Tinned 0.5 5 16/0.20 39.0 40.1 15 0.75 1 1/0.97 24.5 24.8 12 0.75 2 7/0.37 24.5 24.8 12 0.75 5 24/0.20 26.0 26.7 12 1.0 1 1/1.13 18.1 18.2 11 1.0 2 7/0.43 18.1 18.2 10 1.0 5 32/0.20 19.5 20.0 10 1.5 1 1/1.38 12.1 12.2 11 1.5 2 7/0.52 12.1 12.2 10 1.5 5 30/0.52 13.3 13.7 10 2.5 1 1/1.78 7.41 7.56 10 2.5 2 7/0.68 7.41 7.56 9 2.5 5 50/0.25 7.98 8.21 9 4 1 1/2.25 4.61 4.70 8.5 4 2 7/0.85 4.61 4.70 7.7 6 1 1/2.76 3.08 3.11 7 6 2 7/1.04 3.08 3.11 6.5 10 2 7/1.35 1.83 1.84 6.5
2、电缆其它主要技术性能 Other major technical performances
序 号
Serial number 项目
Items 技术性能
Technical performances 1 +20℃线芯直流电阻(≤Ω/Km) Core DC resistance at 20℃ 见上表 See above table 2 +20℃绝缘电阻(≥MΩ·Km) Insulation resistance at 20℃ 见上表 See above table 3 5min耐工频交流电压试验
5min power frequency alternating current pressure test 芯-芯Core-Core
芯-铠装 Core-Armor 3000V不击穿 3000V no breakdown 4 单根垂直燃烧试验 Single wire burning test MT386 5 成束燃烧试验 Group burning test 符合GB/T18380标准中B类成束燃烧试验要求
Conforms to GB/T18380 standard B kind group burning test
- DJ-JDKR-600V-1*2.5电缆应用
- ZRC-XELV 铝芯阻燃电力电缆
- ZR-VVR-105 电力电缆
- ZRC-XELYH 氯磺化聚乙烯护套阻燃电力电缆
- ZRC-YYJVP 交联聚乙烯绝缘阻燃仪表电缆