The power generatrix wire is 2 parallel insulative copper wires. Heating threads are wound around the inner jacket insulation layer. Every certain distance the heating thread is welded to the generatrix,which makes the continuous parallel connection resistance. When the generatrix is powered, the parallel connection resistance begin to heat. This makes a continuousheating belt. |
JFB-口/2单相恒功率并联电热带电缆 我公司电伴系列产品符合GB19518.1-2004国家标准规定,并取得防爆合格证和生产许可证。 |
The series of our product's comply witn tne rule of National Stanard, Ana Manufaceure license ana Explosion Proof Certificate have also been obtainea, |
(2)产品规格和主要技术特性 |
Product Types and Main Technical Characteristics |
表 2-1: JFB-口/2 型电热带主要技术参数表 | |
Table 2-1: Main Technical Parameters of JFB- 口 /2 Type Electric heat cable |
型号Type | 额定 电压 Rated Voltage (v) | 额定 功率 Rated Power (w/m) | 绝缘 电阻 Insulation Resistance (MΩ /hm) | 电气 强度 Electricity Intensity (v/min) | 绝缘层 材料 Insulation Material | 产品 z.ui高 耐温Highest Temp- erature (℃) | 防爆 标志Explo- sion Proof Label | z.ui小弯 曲半径Min. Bending Radius (mm) | 介质z.ui 高维持 温度Highest Maintenance Temperature of Media (℃) | 单电源 z.ui大使 用长度Max. UseLength of Single Power (m) |
加强型Reinforced | ||||||||||
JFB-10/2J | 220 | 10 | ≥50 | 2200 | F46 | 200 | ExeIIT4 | 普通型Common30 加强型Reinforced35 | 120 | 330 |
JFB-20/2J | 20 | 110 | 160 | |||||||
JFB-30/2J | 30 | 90 | 110 | |||||||
JFB-40/2J | 40 | 70 | 80 |
(3)产品特点及应用场合 |
Product Characteristics and Applications |
恒功率电热带单位长度的发热量恒定,使用的电热带越长,输出的功率越大。该电热带在现场能按实际需要长度任意剪切,并具有柔软性,可以紧贴管道表面敷设。电热带外层的编织层能起到传热和散热的作用,提高电热带的整体强度,同时还能用作安全接地线。 |
The heat output per length unit out of the constant wattage heating cable is fixed and constant.The longer the heating cable, the stronger the power is output. The electric heating belt can be cut flexibly according to the actual needs. And it is flexible and can be laid closely on the pipe surface. The outer brade layer can execute the function of heat transmitting and radiating, to enhance the general intensity of the heating belt. It can also be earthed. |
一般用于小管线或管网系统短管线的伴热保温。 |
Itiscommonly used for thermal insulation of the small pipes or the short pipes of the pipe |
- DJ-JDKR-600V-1*2.5电缆应用
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- ZRC-XELYH 氯磺化聚乙烯护套阻燃电力电缆
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