二 电缆使用特性 Application
1 额定电压U0/U为450/750V~600/1000V
用于直流系统时,该系统的标称电压应不大于电缆(电线)额定电压的 1.5 倍。
系统的工作电压应不大于系统额定电压的 1.5 倍。
Rated voltage U0/U should be 450/750V~600/1000V
U0―Valid value of the voltage between main insulated conductor and earthing (metal shield, metal
sheath or environment dielectric). 【ZB-BPYJVPP2、ZB-BPYJVP3阻燃系列(屏蔽)变频电缆 电缆型号】
U―Valid value of voltage between any two phases conductor in multicore cable or single cable
When AC. System is applied, the rated voltage of cable should be at least equal to the nominal
voltage of the system . When DC. System is applied, the nominal voltage of this system should
not be more than the rated voltage of the system by 1.5 times.
2 电缆导体的长期允许工作温度: 【ZB-BPYJVPP2、ZB-BPYJVP3阻燃系列(屏蔽)变频电缆 电缆型号】
The permitting long-term operating temperature of cable conductor should be
聚氯乙烯绝缘PVC insulation:70℃
化学(硅烷)交联聚乙烯 Chemical Sioplascable:90℃
辐照交联聚乙烯Irradiation XLPE:105~135℃ 3 电缆的敷设温度应不低于 0℃。推荐的允许弯曲半径:
无铠装层的电缆,应不小于的电缆外径的 6 倍。
有铠装或铜带屏蔽结构的电缆,应不小于的电缆外径的 12 倍。
有屏蔽层结构的软电缆,应不小于的电缆外径的 6 倍。
The installing temperature of cable should not be less than 0℃.Recommending permitted bending radius:
Non-armoured cable: not less than the overall diameter of cable by 6 times.
Shielded flexible cable : not less than the overall diameter of cable by 6 times.
4 电缆电气性能和物理机械性能符合国标 GB9330《塑料绝缘控制电缆》的规定要求。
The performances of electric and physical machinery shall be conform to the requirements of Chinese Standard
GB9330《Plastic insulation armoured cable》.
5 阻燃控制电缆的阻燃性能符合(相当 IEC332) 《电线电缆燃烧试验方法》的规定要求。
The flame-retardant performance of flame-retardant armoured cable shall be conform to the requirements of
《Test method for electric cable and wire》(same as IEC332).
6 低烟无卤特性(于低烟无卤阻燃控制电缆: ) 【ZB-BPYJVPP2、ZB-BPYJVP3阻燃系列(屏蔽)变频电缆 电缆型号】
无卤性能:符合国际电工委员会标准 IEC754《氢卤酸气体逸出量试验》的规定要求。
低烟性能:符合国标 GB12666.7《电线电缆燃烧烟浓度试验方法》的规定要求。
低毒性能:符合美国标准 NES713《毒性指数测定》的规定要求。
- DJ-JDKR-600V-1*2.5电缆应用
- ZRC-XELV 铝芯阻燃电力电缆
- ZR-VVR-105 电力电缆
- ZRC-XELYH 氯磺化聚乙烯护套阻燃电力电缆
- ZRC-YYJVP 交联聚乙烯绝缘阻燃仪表电缆