1.执行标准 Executive standard 执行GB/T4989-94标准等效 IEC584-3标准 Standard GB/T4989-94 the same as IEC584-3 2.用途 Usage 热电偶用补偿导线是在一定范围内(包括常温)具有与所匹配的热电偶的热电势值的标称值相同的一对带有绝缘层的导线,用它们连接热电偶与测量装置,以补偿热电偶连接处的温度变化的误差。 Compensation wires and cable are used to extend the cold ends of the thermo couples in the temperature-testing systems .It has good resistance to high and low temperature, acid, corrosion, aging, as well as oil and water. 3.产品代号及含义 Code and Definition 项目 Item 代号 Code 代号及含义 Code definition 项目 Item 代号 Code 代号及含义 Code definition 型号 Model SC 配用S分度号热电偶补偿型补偿导线 Adapt to index S thermocouple compensation wire 耐热等级 Heat- resistance grade 70 高使用温度为70℃ .70℃ RC 配用R分度号热电偶补偿型补偿导线 Adapt to index S thermocouple compensation wire 105 高使用温度为105℃ .105℃ NC 配用N分度号热电偶补偿型补偿导线 Adapt to index S thermocouple compensation wire 200 高使用温度为200℃ .200℃ NX 配用K分度号热电偶补偿型补偿导线 Adapt to index S thermocouple compensation wire 250 高使用温度为250℃ .250℃ KCA KCB 配用K分度号热电偶补偿型补偿导线 Adapt to index S thermocouple compensation wire 绝缘材料 Insulation material V 聚氯乙烯 PVC KX 配用K分度号热电偶补偿型补偿导线 Adapt to index S thermocouple compensation wire Y 聚乙烯 PE EX 配用E分度号热电偶补偿型补偿导线 Adapt to index S thermocouple compensation wire B 聚丙烯 PP JX 配用J分度号热电偶补偿型补偿导线 Adapt to index S thermocouple compensation wire G 硅橡胶 Silicon rubber TX 配用T分度号热电偶补偿型补偿导线